Contributions to the Development of Technology.

Sarah Mahdy
2 min readFeb 11, 2021
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Living in the digital age it would be hard to not believe how long of a way technology has come. Historically speaking you would have to go to a public library to make a computer search, a public place to make copies, and the idea of portable computers is unthought of. Now, we have all that in just our own homes, and in the palm of our hands. We get answers we want in seconds with a simple search, and all in the comfort of your own hand. All-new inventions lead to even newer ones. It is amazing how far technology has got and how much further it is going to get.

One of many innovative people of color who have influenced modern computer technology is John Henry Thompson. He is an African American computer scientist and Inventor. He invented Lingo, which is a type of programming language. He developed a multimedia application authoring program called Macromedia Director, which is currently called Adobe Director. This is to help you create and publish compelling interactive games and eLearning courses for the web, phones, etc. His work bridged together art and technology and he was the foundation of modern video gaming, web design, animation, and graphics. Which is something I think this generation utilizes plenty of and can appreciate. Before this class, I have never heard of John Henry Thompson, and I wish he and others like him were given the credit they deserved for their work.

Ada Lovelace, the first programmer, not the first woman programmer, just programmer has left an astonishing legacy. She is known for her work on Charles Babbage's analytical engine. She was the first to recognize that applications can be created by pure calculations. I can’t even do simple math without relying on my IPhones calculator, so the thought of coming up with this technology is something beyond what I can comprehend. Ada Lovelace plays a significant role in the development of technology. I believe without her knowledge we’d not be where we currently are in regards to technology. Her finding is still relevant decades later and will continue to stay relevant.

I really enjoyed what I learned this week regarding technology and its history. As someone who has always had access to convenient technology I never thought of how it all started and what all goes into all the applications that make my life easier. I honestly give programmers huge props because that is something I can never understand. I appreciate technology so much more.

